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-- Updated (almost) every Monday, Wednesday and Friday --

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Things I do to reduce stress

5. Eat ice cream

4. Take a nap

3. Watch TV (An episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer on DVD always perks me right up.)

2. Read comic books

1. Play with my kids
5. Order Chinese take-out

4. Nyquil

3. Walk the dog

2. Mindless TV

1. Run


At 8:20 PM, Blogger Tug said...

5. Scream or cry.
4. Make myself BREATHE deeply & slowly.
3. Sing loudly with the music CRANKED.
2. Get a full body massage.
1. Pour a glass of red wine, call K & the heart-squatters. They always make me laugh.

At 6:36 AM, Blogger Cooth said...

5. Swim
4. Make stupid smart ass comments
3. Drink margaritas
2. Tylenol PM
1. Eat Eat Eat

At 6:59 AM, Blogger kT said...

5. Crack supremely improper sarcastic jokes (I am not a good person to have at a funeral).

4. Watch bad mindless television. Those VH1 countdown shows are perfect.

3. Go for a walk. The steep hill on the way home from work is a great stress reliever.

2. Harass the cats.

1. Have a drink on the deck. Charcoal going is optional.


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